Open Bible

What we believe

Mission Statement: 

"Glorifying God by proclaiming His Word, building Christ-centered community, developing servant leaders, sharing the Gospel near and far, and multiplying disciples and Christ-centered churches."

  • Proclaim His Word (2 Timothy 4:2)
  • Build Christ-centered community (Hebrew 10:24-25)
  • Develop servant leaders (Matthew 20:26-28)
  • Share the Gospel near and far (Acts 1:8)
  • Multiply disciples and Christ-centered churches (Matthew 28:19-20)

Welcome to Bethel Baptist Church, where a rich history of faithfulness spans over 150 years. Originally established by students from William Jewell College, our legacy of making disciples has been steadfast through the years.

We are a Reformed, Elder-led, Congregational, Baptist Church. If you have no idea what that means: don’t worry. We’d love to meet you and explain more about who we are.

We love God. We love to talk about the great news that His son, Jesus Christ died for sinners. We are passionate about learning His Word, the Bible. We strive to live as followers of Jesus.

Historically, followers of Christ have summarized their beliefs about the core teachings of the Bible into “Creeds” or “Statements of Faith.”

To better understand what we believe, see the Baptist Faith and Message and the New Hampshire Confession. We also have a video series explaining our Church Polity.

If you are interested in understanding more deeply our church government, please read our Bethel Church Covenant and our Constitution. When you become a member here this is what you are agreeing to, both with our Lord and with the people of the congregation.

If you have questions or would like to discuss any of our documentation, please contact our office to schedule a time to meet with an Elder.

Bethel Core values

Our Leaders

At Bethel, our leadership is derived from the biblical offices of elder and deacon found in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9.

Elders provide administrative and spiritual oversight, preaching and teaching, and pastoral care. Deacons assist both the elders and the church. While serving as examples of godly character, they meet the practical needs of our congregation and support work in a variety of ways. Some of these include the oversight of benevolence funds, hospital visits, care for the sick and facility maintenance. 

Together, Elders and Deacons work to equip and care for our congregation as we grow in faith, serve one another, and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.


Marty Beamer

Marty Beamer

Preaching Pastor
Harold Dinsmore

Harold Dinsmore

Pastor Emeritus
Jed Hayes

Jed Hayes

Jason Dawson

Jason Dawson

David Hallam

David Hallam



Val Tokarchuk

Val Tokarchuk

Deacon / Worship Leader
Brian Bonecutter

Brian Bonecutter

Deacon / Treasurer
David Davis

David Davis

Phil Nigro

Phil Nigro

Deacon / Treasurer
John Kidd

John Kidd

Larry Ganschow

Larry Ganschow

Bill Schlacks

Bill Schlacks

Daryl Mace

Daryl Mace

JD Scrivens

JD Scrivens


Ministry Leaders

Saul Carlson

Saul Carlson

Youth Ministry Leader
Shera Jay

Shera Jay

Women's Ministry Leader
Dasha Tokarchuk

Dasha Tokarchuk

Nursery Coordinator
Sarah Hayes

Sarah Hayes

Children's Ministry Coordinator
Tara Scrivens

Tara Scrivens

Hospitality Team Coordinator
Jackson Edwards

Jackson Edwards

Media Team Coordinator
Corina Hallam

Corina Hallam

Administrative Assistant