
Bethel Baptist Church is a Christ-centered church in Gladstone, Missouri, dedicated to Joyful Gospel Advancement. This means we are a community of missionary-minded believers driven by our passion for preaching and teaching the Word of God and the transforming influence of Jesus Christ in the lives of believers. We seek to fulfill our mission by proclaiming His Word, building authentic community, developing servant leaders, sharing the Gospel, and multiplying disciples and Christ-centered churches near and far.

About Us

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Small group Ministry

Small Groups

We strongly encourage everyone at Bethel Baptist who becomes a church member to also belong to a small group because they play such a vital important part to our Christian walk, accountability, discipleship, and church community.
Youth Ministry


The youth group at Bethel Baptist church seeks to be a place where kids can develop further into followers of Jesus (discipleship). We seek to develop Biblical friendships, to grow in the knowledge of God and to serve the church.
Men's Ministry


Our vision is to nurture and empower men to embrace their God-given calling as leaders in their homes, the church, workplaces, and the broader world. Calling all men to make disciples of Jesus through discipleship and accountability.
Women's Ministry dinner


A vibrant community dedicated to guiding women in embracing life through the lens of God’s Word. Our mission is to foster a deeper love for God and others by cultivating a culture of study, relationships, and compassionate care.
Easter Celebration Event

Learn more about bethel

Are you interested in joining our Bethel community? The next step is to attend a Bethel Basics class that meets during Sunday School. Pastor Marty will go through our history, beliefs, ways to get involved, and what it looks like to become a Bethel member. Join us for a chance to meet in a smaller group with leadership to ask questions and get to know each other.

Watch Anytime, Anywhere.

We invite you to join us online if you can’t attend Bethel in person. While we recognize the online experience can't replace a weekly in person gathering, we understand the complexities of work, travel, illness, and hope this option is an alternative for you when you are unable to meet with us in person. Here is this week's Worship service to enjoy as well as links to Watch Online and our Sermon Library.
Watch Online



Sunday Mornings
Sunday School at 9:15 am
Worship at 10:30 am


Oakhill Day School Gym
7019 N Cherry Street
Gladstone, Missouri 64118


Office: (816) 734-4110
Email Us
Online Connect Card

and this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations.

Matthew 24:14


Missouri Baptist Association
Clay Platte Baptist Association
International Mission Board
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southern Baptist Convention
Linwood Baptist